COVID-19 Update


All of us at Atkinson Law Offices understand the growing concerns for our clients and the local community around Coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to address your concerns and assure you that we are taking every precaution to keep our staff, clients, and community partners safe during these unprecedented times.

Atkinson Law Offices is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation and strictly adhering to the recommendations from the CDC, the Idaho Supreme Court, as well as local and state public authorities.

What we are doing here at our offices:

  • Attorneys are deemed essential employees so there is nothing that is limiting our team’s ability to defend and represent our clients.
  • We are meeting with clients via conference calls and video conferences.
  • If an in-person meeting is necessary, we are following all recommended precautions for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, doors, counters, tabletops, etc.
  • We are continuing to respect social distance by keeping 6’ distance between our team, staff, and our clients if in-person meetings are necessary.

What the county and state courts are doing: UPDATED NOV 30th, 2020

  • No jury trial whether criminal or civil shall commence before January 4, 2021. This shall not effect any deadlines in any existing pretrial orders.
  • All trials on a petition to terminate parental rights and felony sentencing hearings in which the possible penalty includes a life sentence shall be held in person, subject to these safety protocols:
    • wear a mask covering their nose and mouth;
    • maintain an appropriate social distance of least six (6) feet from all persons not living in their household;
    • comply with all court orders restricting the number of persons that may gather together.
  • All other court proceedings are presumptively to be help remotely, i.e., with all participants utilizing remote technologies including teleconferencing and video conferencing.
  • To the extent possible such matters described above shall be conducted telephonically or through video conferencing, using applications which are compatible with recording or transcribing the proceeding for placement in the official court record.

For more information about the order from the Idaho Supreme Court, download the PDF, or…


What you can do to protect yourself and your family:

  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Limit your interactions with anyone living outside of your home.
  • Wear a cloth or fabric mask to cover your mouth and nose when out of your home.
  • Maintain social distance of 6’ between you and others as much as possible.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Encourage healthy habits, like eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep. This will help keep your immune system strong.

At Atkinson Law Offices, there are no suspected cases of COVID-19 among our staff members, and we have had no reported cases from any of the clients we serve. We look forward to continuing to assist and defend you for all your criminal and family law needs.
